What is “Nagoya-Jo“?
名古屋城は英語で「Nagoya Castle(名古屋城)」です。
Nagoya Castle is a castle located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture.
Nagoya Castle is a castle located in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture.
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- castle/城
- located/位置する
- Nagoya City/名古屋市
- Aichi Prefecture/愛知県
Ieyasu Tokugawa built Nagoya Castle on the site of the castle where Oda Nobunaga was born.
- Ieyasu Tokugawa/徳川家康
- built/build(建てる)の過去形・過去分詞
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- site/跡地
- castle/城
- Oda Nobunaga/織田信長
- born/ bear「生む」の過去分詞
Most of the buildings in Nagoya Castle were destroyed by the air raids in 1945.
- most of/ほとんど
- building/建物
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- destroy/破壊する
- by/~によって
- air raid/空襲
After the war, the castle tower was rebuilt and the ruins of the castle became Meijo Park.
- after/後
- war/戦争
- castle tower/天守閣
- rebuilt/rebuild(再建する)の過去形
- ruin/廃墟、旧跡
- castle/城
- became/become(なる)の過去形
- Meijo Park/名城公園
It’s a castle built by Ieyasu Tokugawa.
At the current location of Nagoya Castle, there was a castle built by the Imagawa family, and Oda Nobunaga’s father, Nobuhide Oda, took the castle.
- current/現在の
- location/場所
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- castle/城
- built/build(建てる)の過去形・過去分詞
- by/~によって
- Imagawa family/今川家
- Oda Nobunaga/織田信長
- father/父
- Nobuhide Oda/織田信秀
- took/take(占領する)の過去形
In 1546, Nobuhide Oda handed over the castle to Nobunaga Oda, but in 1555 Nobunaga Oda moved to Kiyosu Castle, and in 1582 the castle was abandoned.
- Nobuhide Oda/織田信秀
- hand over/譲り渡す
- castle/城
- Nobunaga Oda/織田信長
- move to/~へ移動する
- Kiyosu Castle/清須城
- abandoned/放棄された
Ieyasu Tokugawa won the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, unified the whole country, and the Edo Shogunate was opened.
- Ieyasu Tokugawa/徳川家康
- won/win(勝つ)の過去形・過去分詞
- battle/戦い
- Sekigahara/関ケ原
- unify/統一する
- the whole country/天下、全国
- Edo Shogunate/江戸幕府
- open/開く
The Toyotomi clan, based in Osaka Castle, was a threat to the Edo Shogunate, so in 1610 Ieyasu Tokugawa ordered the construction of Nagoya Castle.
- Toyotomi clan/豊臣家
- based in/拠点を置く
- Osaka Castle/大阪城
- threat/脅威
- Edo Shogunate/江戸幕府
- so/だから
- Ieyasu Tokugawa/徳川家康
- order/命じる
- construction/建築
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
In 1616, Yoshinao Tokugawa, the ninth son of Ieyasu Tokugawa, entered Nagoya Castle and prospered as a base for the Tokugawa family until the Meiji Restoration for the next 16 generations.
- Yoshinao Tokugawa/徳川義直
- ninth/9番目の
- son/息子
- Ieyasu Tokugawa/徳川家康
- enter/入る
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- prosper/栄える
- as/として
- base/拠点
- Tokugawa family/徳川家
- until/~まで
- Meiji Restoration/明治維新
- for/~の間
- next/次の
- generation/代、世代
Nagoya Castle has long been the base of the Tokugawa family.
At the end of World War II in 1945, most of Nagoya Castle was destroyed by air raids, and after the war, the site of Nagoya Castle became Meijo Park.
- at the end of/~の終わりに
- World War II/第二次世界大戦
- most of/~の大半は
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- destroy/破壊する
- by/~によって
- air raid/空襲
- after/後
- war/戦争
- site/跡地
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- became/become(なる)の過去形
- Meijo Park/名城公園(めいじょうこうえん)
Meijo Park was opened in 1931 and has a large area of about 80 hectares, including the North Garden, South Garden, and outer moat.
- Meijo Park/名城公園
- open/開く
- large/広い
- area/敷地
- about/約
- hectare/ヘクタール
- including/~を含めて
- North Garden/北園
- South Garden/南園
- outer/外の
- moat/堀
Nagoya Castle is located in the South Garden of Meijo Park.
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- located/位置する
- South Garden/南園
- Meijo Park/名城公園
The North Garden of Meijo Park is a plaza with a vast lawn and a large pond, and various facilities such as a baseball ground and a flower garden are built.
- North Garden/北園
- Meijo Park/名城公園
- plaza/広場
- vast/広大な
- lawn/芝生
- large/大きな
- pond/池
- various/様々な
- facility/使節
- such as/など
- baseball ground/野球場
- flower garden/フラワーガーデン
- built/build(建てる)の過去形・過去分詞
The site of the castle has become a large park.
The castle tower of Nagoya Castle was completed in 1612.
- castle tower/天守閣
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- complete/完成させる
The main castle tower of Nagoya Castle has 5 floors above ground and 1 basement floor, and the height of the the foundation of a Castle tower and the castle tower was about 55 meters in total.
- main castle tower/大天守
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- floor/階
- above ground/地上
- basement floor/地下
- total/全部の
- height/高さ
- the foundation of a Castle tower/天守閣の土台(天守台)
- castle tower/天守閣
- about/約
- meter/メートル
- in total/全体で
In 1930, the castle tower was designated as the first national treasure as a castle.
- castle tower/天守閣
- designate/指定する
- as/として
- first/最初の
- national treasure/国宝
- castle/城郭
The castle tower was destroyed by air raids in 1945, but it was rebuilt in 1959 as a steel-framed reinforced concrete structure with donations from citizens.
- castle tower/天守閣
- destroy/破壊する
- by/~によって
- air raid/空襲
- rebuilt/rebuild(再建する)の過去形
- as/として
- steel-framed reinforced concrete/鉄筋鉄骨コンクリート
- structure/構造
- donation/寄付
- from/から
- citizen/市民
The first national treasure of the castle.
A pair of gold Shachi is placed on the castle tower of Nagoya Castle.
- a pair of/一対の
- gold/金
- Shachi/鯱(しゃち)
- place/置く
- castle tower/天守閣
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
Shachi is an imaginary animal with a fish body, a tiger head, a tail fin raised, and a sharp thorn on its back.
- Shachi/鯱
- imaginary/想像上の
- animal/動物
- fish/魚
- body/体
- tiger/虎
- head/頭
- tail fin/尾ひれ
- raise/(高く)持ち上げる
- sharp/鋭い
- thorn/とげ
- back/背中
When the castle tower of Nagoya Castle was completed, it is said that gold Shachi were placed to show off the authority of the Tokugawa family.
- when/時
- castle tower/天守閣
- Nagoya Castle/名古屋城
- complete/完成する
- it is said that/~と言われている
- gold/金の
- Shachi/鯱
- place/置く
- show off/見せびらかす
- authority/権威
- Tokugawa family/徳川家
In 1945, the air raids of the Pacific War burned down the gold Shachi along with the castle tower, but now the restored gold Shachi are placed on the castle tower.
- air raid/空襲
- Pacific War/太平洋戦争
- burn down/全焼させる
- gold/金の
- Shachi/鯱
- along with/~と一緒に
- castle tower/天守閣
- but/しかし
- now・現在
- restor/復元する
- place/置く
The gold Shachi is a gorgeous decoration.
The Honmaru Palace was completed in 1615 as the residence of the castle owner, and later became the building where the Shogun would stay when he came to Kyoto.
- Honmaru Palace/本丸御殿
- complete/完成させる
- as/として
- residence/住宅、邸宅
- castle owner/城主
- later/後で
- became/become(なる)の過去形
- building/建物
- Shogun/将軍
- stay/滞在する
- came/come(来る)の過去形
- Kyoto/京都
Beautiful paintings were drawn on the walls of the Honmaru Palace, and the ceiling was luxuriously decorated.
- beautiful/美しい
- painting/絵画
- drawn/draw(描く)の過去分詞
- wall/壁
- Honmaru Palace/本丸御殿
- ceiling/天井
- luxuriously/豪華に
- decorate/装飾する
The Honmaru Palace was designated as a national treasure in 1930, but was destroyed by an air raid in 1945.
- Honmaru Palace/本丸御殿
- designate/指定する
- as/として
- national treasure/国宝
- destroy/破壊する
- by/~によって
- air raid/空襲
Restoration work on the Honmaru Palace began in 2009, and the new Honmaru Palace is open to the public from 2018.
- restoration work/復元工事
- Honmaru Palace/本丸御殿
- began/begin(始まる)の過去形
- new/新しい
- open/開かれている
- public/一般
- from/から
The Honmaru Palace, which has been designated as a national treasure, has been burned down.
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